Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is considered by law to be discrimination based on gender. Texas and Federal statutes prohibit sexual harassment. The person subject to the harassment may be the same gender as the person who engages in harassment. Both women and men can be sexual harassers and the victim can be of either gender as well.
Sexual harassment includes:

  • Threats and demands to submit to sexual requests as a condition of continued employment and offers of employment benefits in return for sexual favors.
  • Unwelcome verbal conduct such as derogatory jokes, sexual advances or invitations;
  • Unwelcome visual conduct such as derogatory and/or sexually-oriented posters, photographs, or e-mails
  • Unwelcome physical conduct such as sexual assault, unwanted touching, groping, or massages, simulated sex acts and blocking normal body movement.

Both federal and state laws prohibit an employer from retaliating against you for complaining or reporting sexual harassment.